Border Collie Puppy

Border Collie Puppy and all you need to know about them

Type Hound
Height 53 – 56 cm (21 – 22 inches)
Weight 30 – 44 pounds (14 – 20 kg)
Family Herding Group
Origin Area Rome Italy
Origin Year 2000 years ago
Life Span 10 – 17 Years

Table of Contents

History of Border Collie Breed

This breed’s ancestors go a long way, and some suggest that this breed is older than 2000 years. At first, these ancestors were used as a herding dog to help herd sheep. Then the best types were bred with each other’s to work in different regions. Eventually, these new breeds were known as Scotch Collies, Highland Collies, Welsh Sheepdogs, and Northern Sheepdogs. Border Collie’s has a Scottish heritage because the word collie means sheepdogs in Scots.

Scot Sheep Dogs were shown in England in 1860 at a dog show. After some time, Queen Victoria has seen one of this breed ad has grown a liking to it.

In 1995 Border Collie was recognized by the American Kennel Club. In the modern world, Border Collie is known as the best sheep herding dog breed. They have a superior ability to herd many sheep at once, and due to that reason, this breed is bred just for herding purposes as a full-time working dog (not just as a family pet).


This breed is simply smart and very enthusiastic. They are also hardworking and always alert. They also learn very quickly, so it’s very easy to train a Border Collie.

Another reason this breed is used as a working dog is that Border Collies love to be busy, and if they are not busy at a time, they can easily get bored. And when they become bored, that will lead to some irritating behavior like barking aimlessly, chasing cars, and digging holes. So keep in mind that this is a breed that is bred to herd all day. They are not meant to just lie down and rest at all.

Border Collies are also known to be highly sensitive to cues from the handler, such as whistling and hand signals and even raising an eyebrow.

Keep in mind that Border Collie is not your typical family dog. They are independent and determined, and they have a strong compulsion to herd, and that can be misguided. So if there are no sheep or some kind of job for them to do, then they would chase cars, children, or pets to gather them up. If you have a very hyper dog and want to calm him down, you can know about it from this article on is my dog so hyper.

Also, Border Collies need to be socialized properly from a young age, or they can be extremely shy as an adult. Introducing them to new people and new places and things to help them with their shyness. If you already have a dominant dog and want to introduce it to a new Border Collie Puppy, you can know more about it from this article on know how to introduce a puppy to a dominant dog.

Border Collie Puppy


Even though Border Collie puppy is highly adaptable, it’s better to get one only if you have a big household for them to be active. So the ideal environment would be a country farm or ranch or city home with a secured fenced yard. Since they have a high compulsion to herd, they would chase cars.

Border Collies also require a lot of daily mental and physical stimulation. So the owner should be able to provide it. Therefore, this would be a huge burden for the owner if they don’t know what they are getting into. So, if you are considering getting a Border Collie puppy, make sure you can provide them with all the mental and physical stimulations. Dog sports are a good alternative for Border Collies if you don’t have a farm with sheep.

The recommended daily amount of food is 1.5 – 2 cups of high-quality dry food divided into 2 meals.

But keep in mind that this amount varies depending on your dog. Because their size varies and depending on other factors like their metabolism, activeness, body size, age, and health issues, their daily food requirement can change. So it’s better to consult with your vet when deciding your Border Collie’s diet so they will have a proper diet with all the necessary nutrition.

Regarding their coat, they have two varieties of coats. Even though their hair is long, they only require weekly brushing to look awesome. Bathing is also not required regularly. Bath them once per four months or when they are very dirty and smelly.

Trim their nails once per month only if needed. Remember to check their ears per week for dirt, redness, or bad odor because that can cause infections. You can use a cotton ball dampened with the recommended cleaner to wipe out their ears to prevent any ear infections.

Brush their teeth at least twice a week. But if you brush their teeth daily, that can prevent gum disease and even bad breath.

Border Collie Puppy

Health Issues

Border Collies are generally a very healthy breed, but they are not immortal. They are also prone to some health issues as follows.

  • PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) – This is a group of eye diseases that gradually deteriorate the retina. In the early stage, the dog can become night blind. When the issue progresses, they can be blind during the day.
  • Epilepsy – This is a neurological condition that most often is inherited. Epilepsy can cause mild or severe seizures. These seizures can be frightening to watch. But long term prognosis for dogs with this issue is very good. So it’s important to take your Border Collie puppy to the vet and get a diagnosis and treatment for this condition.
  • Collie Eye Anomaly – This is an inherited medical condition that causes changes in the eye. Sometimes this can lead to complete blindness. These changes usually start to happen when the dog is about two years old. Sadly, there is no treatment for this condition.
  • Hip Dysplasia – This is when the dog’s thighbone doesn’t fit snugly into the hip joint. This is an inherited condition so if you are buying a Border Collie puppy, ask the breeder for proof that the parents have been tested for hip dysplasia and are safe from this condition.
  • OCD (Osteochondrosis Dissecans) – This is an orthopedic condition caused by improper growth of cartilage in the joints. This usually happens in the elbows, but sometimes it can be seen in the shoulders also. This will cause a painful stiffness in these joints to the point where your dog can’t move them. You can observe these symptoms when your Border Collie puppy is about 4 to 9 months old. Overfeeding growth formula or high protein foods can cause this condition’s development.
  • Allergies – Border Collies are prone to allergies such as food and other chemicals. So, when you are giving new food or using new products for your doggo, such as shampoo, it’s better to consult with your vet.
Border Collie Puppy